A blog about my misadventures in calculus! :D

In the beginning…

So here it is. My first ever post! I don’t know quite how all of this is going to work out, but I must keep going!

Now onward to math land, where numbers and  5^2‘s roam free, where math is not only found in textbooks, but everywhere!! Actually, math is everywhere and in everything. I’m sure the equations and long algorithms are too complicated for the human mind to really grasp, but they’re there. The numbers are either too small or too big. Those with certain types of autism have no problems with equations and numbers like these.

We are using a type of program called latec (spelt latex) which enables me to type \frac{3}{4}  or \sqrt{556}  instead of 3/4 and square root of (566) or something like that. So now the equations can actually look like equations instead of a big jumbled mess! you can see how greatly spaced out everything is because of it, but that’s okay, at least you can read the equations and math symbols.

In any case, I felt like showing how I worked out a problem and possibly giving a link to a related math resource.

x^2-64  Here we need to factor so I found out what numbers would multiply to -64 and add to 0 because there is no middle factor. Since the only numbers that could add to zero would be 8 and -8, I put them into the factored out equation. Thus getting the answer: (x+8)(x-8)

Here’s a link to a very good math source which goes up to advanced algebra and helped me a lot!

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